Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sugar Rush

Yesterday we had our first midterm exam which was a three hour essay test on management. So, to celebrate being done our first exam, today we didn’t have class, but we DID have a tour of the chocolate shop, Bastin, across the street from the Monty. As tough as it was to give up class to learn about chocolate, I forced myself into it.

When I heard we were getting a tour of the chocolate shop I figured it would be 15-20mins max, because the “shop” part of Bastin is pretty small. Little did I know, Willy Wonka’s factory is actually hidden in the basement of Bastin.

We stepped behind the counter, and into a room with a couple of slate tables, which I figured would probably be where the entire tour took place. Really we just watched a quick video about where the cocoa beans that the chocolate shop uses come from, and then we entered into a tiny elevator that took us into the secret basement where they make some amazing Belgian chocolates.

They showed us how they make chocolates by hand and with machine, and they even let us help design the chocolates and write our names using the warm chocolate. Then they finished making chocolates right in front of us, put them on a sheet, and let us try them as soon as they cooled which was pretty fantastic. After that they had drinks and more chocolates for us to try, and as we left they handed us a bag with a box of chocolates in it for us to try. I have to say…..not a bad alternative to 3 hrs of Finance.

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